
Thanks for the Non-Date, Dr. Jekyll... or is it Mr. Hyde?

I met him on PoF. His profile picture was adorable! Nothing crazy stood out in his profile monologue... We had two amazing phone conversations and lots of talk about getting together for a date this weekend. Several times he told me how beautiful I was, how much he enjoyed talking to me, and how he just couldn't stop thinking about me and that he was really excited to see me. Surprisingly, (or, maybe NOT surprisingly, since this IS the online dating world we're talking about here) that's when things started going downhill.

Him: "So, would you ever consider eating more healthy?"

Me: "What do you mean? Are you trying to say Lucky Charms and a cigarette aren't everyone's standard breakfast?" [as I lightly chuckle at my pseudo-joke]

Him: [long silence]

Me: "What do you mean by 'eating more healthy?' I mean, I enjoy a good meal with all of the basic food groups. I eat salad now and then. I love vegetables. But, I don't go out of my way to eat whole grain and tofu, if that's what you're saying..."

Him: "Well... just so you know, I haven't had anything processed or chocolate for at least 2 years."

Me: [blink blink]

Him: "I was just wondering if you would ever change your eating habits for someone, because I'm not sure if I could ever be with someone who eats junk all the time."

Me: [blink blink] "Ummmm... If you're asking me to give up chocolate to go on a date with you, you've got delusions of grandeur, dude."


This second bit of conversation should be read with the understanding that my online dating profile CLEARLY states that I am a smoker. Also, during our previous great conversations, this topic had come up, and he acted like it was no big deal, especially since I have no plans on being a lifelong smoker and do plan on quitting eventually...

Him: "So, if we were to kiss, would you brush your teeth before we did?"

Me: [what the hell?? this guy is talking about kissing, and we haven't even gone on a date yet!] "Umm... well... I guess I would before we went to bed if we were living together or got more intimate later on."

Him: "Because someone who smokes REALLY turns me off, and I would want them to wash their hands and brush their teeth before kissing me or coming near me."

Me: "Hmmm. It sounds like this is a deal breaker for you. I have to honestly say that I would not brush my teeth after all 10 cigarettes I smoke a day."

Him: "Yeah, well. This is really going to be a problem for me."


Ya think, guy? Yeah, why on earth would he even click on my profile and get to the point of 2 conversations into plans for a date and getting me all excited if he felt this way? Grrrrr! What a waste of my breath and time.

The next morning after our phone conversation, I sent him a text message that went something like this:

Hey, B. Too many red flags.
Not sure the date is a good idea.
I wish you luck!

Honestly, there were a few other red flags before the featured conversations above. The fact that he called me about 7 times in the span of 2 days. The fact that he lectured me about checking my PoF account when I should be focusing on one person (him). The fact that he volunteered the information that he is pretty jealous when he's in a relationship, but that he's "learned his lesson" and is "working on it."

I just steadily kept getting turned off, and I guess the diet thing and the smoking thing were the weird clinchers. At least I dodged a bullet. At least my douchebag radar worked this time... Because guess what his reply to my text was?

Yeah, I wasn't interested anyway.
Thanks, though.

***UPDATE*** No call all weekend from Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde, but he sends me a random picture of him this evening. WTF? I do not want pictures of you, dude. I wish that I had some sort of snarky reply to his picture, but I'm just speechless...

****UPDATE x2**** Two more texts were received from this prize of a guy...

Text 1: "WTF my nigga."

I shit you not. That is EXACTLY what the text said. I. Have. No. Words.

Text 2: (sent 2 days later) "I really want to see you."

Wow. This guy is... priceless. My reply? "I thought you 'weren't that interested anyway?' I take that to mean one of two things. Either you really weren't that interested anyway or it was a juvenile reply to me turning your ass down for a date. There are no do-overs for a first impression."

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